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Serge Demeyer / Publication (Details)

Last updated on Thursday, November 16, 2023

  author =        {Andy Zaidman and Bart Van Rompaey and
                   Arie van Deursen and Serge Demeyer},
  journal =       {International Journal on Empirical Software
  note =          {SCI impact factor 1.796, ranked 15 / 99 in Computer
                   Science, Software Engineering --- 2010},
  number =        {3},
  pages =         {325 -- 364},
  publisher =     {Springer Verlag},
  title =         {Studying the co-evolution of production and test code
                   in open source and industrial developer test
                   processes through repository mining},
  volume =        {16},
  year =          {2011},
  abstract =      {Many software production processes advocate rigorous
                   development testing alongside normal code writing,
                   which implies that both test code and production code
                   should co-evolve. To gain insight in the nature of
                   this co-evolution, this paper proposes three views
                   (realized by a tool called TeMo) that combine
                   information from a software project's versioning
                   system, the size of the various artifacts and the
                   test coverage reports. We validate these views
                   against two open source and one industrial software
                   project and evaluate our results both with the help
                   of log messages, code inspections and the original
                   developers of the software system. With these views
                   we could recognize different co-evolution scenarios
                   (i.e., synchronous and phased) and make relevant
                   observations for both developers as well as test
  annote =        {internationaljournal},
  doi =           {10.1007/s10664-010-9143-7},

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